Bawa Lalvani Public School is a Premier English Medium School. It provides Kindergarten through Grade 12 instruction. BLPS endeavours to provide a unique Classroom experience to each Student. As the school is accredited and affiliated to the CBSE,New Delhi. The school is a testing centre for CBSE Board Exams. The school proposes to prepare students for continuing education in India by inviting reputed universities to meet our students who thereon invite the students to enrol themselves into College, while studying in Std XII, through a system of campus enrolment.
Bawa Lalvani Public School aims to develop responsible global citizens and leaders by providing a world-class education, rooted in its Secular Indian heritage and values, for a diverse group of students, especially from families in Kapurthala and adjoining villages, in a contemporary and likeable environment. The School is a Secular co-educational, day school located in Kapurthala a small town contiguous with the town of Jalandhar,india.
Bawa Lalvani Public School was founded by Partap Lalvani in 2002 and since it’s inception it has primarily served the needs of Rural and semi urban families in Kapurthala. This heritage continues today in the school’s commitment to values of excellence, personal responsibility, and service, and in our special calling to continue to educate the children of families from rural area – a purpose to which we devote substantial emphasis.