
Soft Skills Guidance Centre & Library

Daily Conversation Session (DCS) : At School, being an educator is all about being able to make connections with Students in the classroom. Connectivity with students sets the tone & foundation for an interesting learning environment and experience.

A Teacher could be most knowledgeable when it comes to the curriculum, but if we aren’t able to deliver in a way that is meaningful to students and meets them where they are as individuals, they are going to have a very difficult time learning during and retaining the information. Making connections with students makes it evident that Teachers are passionate about teaching.

The Daily Intellectual Conversation Session Period (DCS) is a learning strategy applied by Teachers. The DCS is available for students studying in Form VIII up to Form XII.  The DCS assists teachers in making better connections with Students than while teaching the prescribed Academic curriculum. As the year progresses, DCS routine aids Teachers to know about their student’s strengths, their mindset, aptitude & enjoy learning about them as individuals.

S.No Programme Title Schedule





School Library :The library is a source of information, wisdom and inspiration. Students of all ages are encouraged to take full advantage of it to help them develop life-long skills to set their foundation in this Information Age.

The Primary School has a modern library which holds a central position, both in location and in curriculum. Its comprehensive collection of resources is available for use by all members of the school for study, personal, recreation and relaxation purposes. Students from non-English speaking backgrounds are encouraged to maintain literacy in English and also make it their first language – English as a Global Passport.

The library is open during School hours between 7:30 am and 3:15 pm on school working days. Each class has a weekly book reading session resourcefully supported by the globally recognised READERS DIGEST. The School’s librarian is hands on and assists in locating information and to borrow resources.

Borrowing books : Books may be borrowed for one week and they can be returned or changed earlier if so desired. All books must be returned before the summer vacation. Students may borrow one book at a time.

Late, lost or damaged books: In case a student is late in returning books, either a reminder sticker is put in the student diary or an overdue note is sent home. A letter asking for payment may also be sent to parents. If a book is damaged, please return it to school so we can try to repair it. If it is beyond repair, an account may be sent home. Students are counselled  how to care for books and  it’s mandatory to follow library use etiquette.