Dear Students & Teachers , School's circular letter is one which is meant to be read by all Students, Teachers & Parents. It is of the nature of an announcement to keep you abreast...
Explore Through Your Journey at School

Adventure Sports
Our Adventure sports routine for students is highly motivational and practical which is unlikely to be seen from the normal classroom environment. Adventure aims at increasing productivity, encourages students to work in different working environment. It builds team spirit, friendship and trust amongst each other.

Aquatic Sports
Swimming is lots of fun for Students of all ages, they love getting in the water and enjoying themselves. But it is not just fun, swimming also provides loads of health benefits which can help to keep children healthy and happy at the same time : Swimming keeps our child’s heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and flexibility, increases stamina and even improves balance and posture.

Song, Dance & Theatre
Through our Song & Dance routine, students develop spatial awareness, become less clumsy and pay more attention to others sharing their space. Children struggling with language can express their feelings with immediacy through dance and movement.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award routine at the School encourages and supports the participation of young students as well as students with cognitive disabilities in areas including: academics, communication, decision-making, functional skills, time usage, self-concept/esteem and social skills.

Leadership & Conferencing
Our Interactive daily brainstorming routine across all age groups involves giving the students a topic or theme such as 'sound' and asking them to give you all the ideas that come into their minds. It is a way to encourage students to participate more in lessons without being worried about being wrong, because you accept all their answers.

Art & Craft Activities
There is no doubt that arts and crafts are fun activities for young Students. Be it coloring with crayons or making miniature statues from clay, folding paper to create fine origami or designing a handmade birthday card, School's routine has several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of the children and nutrify their artistic potential.

Sports & Games
At School, in addition to endurance building sports for young students whose forte is strength and fitness, shooting / marksmanship develops composure and enormous skill - a real test of their self-control.

School propagates Yoga to be more than a movement – it is a way of life – an elixir of life. It transforms the way you see yourself – your body, your mind and your spirit by awakening your inner wisdom through movement, mindfulness and your mindset, end fatigue and revitalise your life.
Dear Parents & Students, If you're looking for just a quick and easy to read summary of the School news in digestible little bits, you are invited to our Daily Happenings Page!