Primary Wing

A warm welcome to you and your family from the primary wing staff at BLPS,Kapurthala. The Primary School educates children ranging from ages 6 to 11.
Our curriculum in Std 1 & 2 is based mainly upon achieving “The Early Learning Goals” which are standards in themselves and we strive to achieve them through a variety of play-based and structured activities striking a fine balance between both teacher- led and student-initiated play. Play underpins all development and learning for young children. Most children play spontaneously and it is through play that they develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially and emotionally. The BLPS Key Learning Areas are integrated into our daily programme through a variety of experiences and activities.
The BLPS Rainbow of seven key learning areas in the Primary Wing are :
Prime areas
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
Specific areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Art and Design
To support these areas, other aspects of learning are scheduled into the day. Students visit the library once a week and the computer laboratory for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) related activities twice a week. One session each for Games, PE and Dance is scheduled for Physical Development. Students also visit the music room twice every week to learn songs and play instruments. The curriculum in Std 3 upto Std 6 includes Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Art, Drama, Hindi, History, Geography, Music, ICT, PE and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).

Literacy and Numeracy are vital and we combine these with a rich and exciting curriculum through cross-curricular links established through the areas of Humanities (History and Geography and Environment Studies), Science, Dance, Drama and Music. The skills of independent learning and co-operation with others are developed along with attitudes and values.
Homework is given to reinforce and extend the work done in the class. It also helps students to work independently and learn time-management. In addition to this, students are expected to read from a wide range of books available to them in the reading cupboard and the library.
The progress of each student is monitored through observations, work samples, photographs and Parent-Teacher meetings. Student's achievement of the goals is individualised. We believe that each child develops at his/her own pace and we give students the time to evolve and feel ready for activities at each stage of the curriculum.
Partnership with parents is a powerful tool to encourage student's development and we ensure parents are kept well informed of their children’s academic and social well-being through Parent-Teacher Meetings, school diaries and phone calls. Parents are welcome to make appointments for informal meetings whenever necessary throughout the year.

We understand that, as parents, you want the very best for your child and that deciding on the right school is of paramount importance. Our school is a happy, lively and vibrant place which provides a friendly, safe and supportive learning environment for all our students. High expectations coupled with a caring and purposeful ethos help ensure that the students in our care develop the academic and social skills necessary to prepare them for life-long learning. We encourage students to work hard, create opportunities for success and be creative & critical thinkers.
Our excellent staffworks hard to provide an educational experience which matches the best of Schools in the state of Punjab.
We believe that your child’s success relies upon an open, trusting and productive relationship between home and school. We encourage this partnership in many ways and look forward to sharing in your child’s achievements. Our class-based, specialist and support staff, work hard to ensure that we meet the needs of each student. Our diverse school population comes from all over the world. We acknowledge that all individuals are different and we endeavor to meet the needs of all. Our academic standards are strong and we strive to improve them constantly. We hope that the time your child spends at BLPS Kapurthala, will be productive and enjoyable. Our commitment is to make it a memorable and successful experience for you and your family.