
ICT Labs:
ICT Labs are fully networked and equipped with latest computers and other state-of-art-IT applications.
Exploration Room:
The Exploration Room gives an early Opportunity to the Kindergarten student to ‘learn through doing’, using various kinds of educational apparatus, as well as develop communication skills by story telling and reading activities.
Performing Arts Rooms:
It includes Music Rooms, a Dance Studio and a Drama Studio. These activities are extended to all classes with clear objectives defined for each level of learners.
Art and Craft Centre:
To develop student’s artistic ability and individual expression various mediums are introduced to them. Painting, drawing, batik, tie and dye, sculpture and clay modeling workshops are regular features of the curriculum.
Number Studio:
Children need concrete experience to acquire sound mathematical concepts. The Number Studio is equipped to support them investigate and make discoveries for themselves.
ICT Provision
We have developed a highly effective and successful range of ICT services for the school with a commitment to:

  • Enhance teaching and learning
  • Ease administrative burdens and reduce workloads
  • Improve communication between all stakeholders in the school community